2018 Montreal Walks for Mental Health

It is that time of year once again, to lace up your running shoes and join us for the 10th year of Montreal Walks for Mental Health!!!
This year the date is Sunday, October 14th at 11:00 and the new location is Place Emilie-Gamelin (next to Berri-UQAM metro). This is an opportunity to walk with others to help increase public awareness about mental health and to help eliminate stigma. It is also a chance to raise funds for L’Abri en Ville, which you can do by calling or sending in your donation to L’Abri letting us know that it is to support the L’Abri walkers or by donating to L’Abri through CanadaHelps.org.
You can visit the website of the Walk to gather more information and to see recent photos of the Walk experience. Please visit mtlwalks.com.
Hoping to see you there!